суббота, 14 декабря 2019 г.

Famous people

J.K Rowling
Rowing is a famous British writer. She is author of the books about Harry Porter. She was born in 1965. As a child she loved to tell stories for her younger sister. Now she is one of roe richest women in the world.
Frida Khalid
She is one of the famous artist in the world. She was born in 1807 in Mexica. As a child she want to become a doctor. But is 19 years old she was to become a bus accident. After this she was recovering in bed in very long time. And in hospital she was started to drawing.
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci is a famous Italian artist. He was born is 1452. But he was not only an artist, he was also an engineer and musician. His most popular painting is the Mona Lisa, at the moment it is in the Louvre, and it was twice tried to steal.
William Shakespeare 
Shakespeare is a famous English writer. He was in 1564. He had 7 brothers as sisters. He had three children. His first book was published in 1594. His most popular works are Romeo and Juliette, Hamlet.
Albert Enshtein
He was a famous scientist. He was born in 1878. He was bold and strong person. In 1901 was published the first article. He made many discoveries for physics.

Cleopatra is the oldest daughter of the Egyptian King. She was very beautiful. Many men were live her. She lived only 21 years, she died from the venom of a snake that bit her.

понедельник, 7 октября 2019 г.

Holidays associated with lemons. There is a feats of lemons in France, about 200.000 people come to this tavern.

English celebrity chef James Oliver. He tours school in the US, in several TV shows and travels.

Some food is healthy, and some is not healthy. Burgers, snacks-H, salad, tomatoes, cucumbers- UH.

Caviar is one of the most famous food in history. The favorite food of various Russian Tsars.

Chip pies fish and chips is a popular and internationally famous English dish. Chippies can have for example salt, potatoes, vegetables, meat.

Pelmeni is a national Russia dish. Pelmeni can have meat, salt, vegetables.

The brain commands our nervous system and controls our behavior irises 20% of energy from the food we eat.

понедельник, 30 сентября 2019 г.


Rabbit and turtle
Rabbit and turtle decited have race. Rabbit was faster  than turtle so, while the turtle escaped from behind the rabbit fell asleep under the tree, and then the turtle woke up it alreadu won.

red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood went to his grandmother in a summer house with basket with pies.
 On the road she met a wolf and asked where she was going.

вторник, 16 апреля 2019 г.

Uniqe places in the Uk

Beachy Head, Beachy Head, on the south coast of East Sussex in the UK, is a chalky cliff along its entire length. Cretaceous cliffs - a familiar phenomenon for the southern English shores. The height of the rock here reaches 1500 meters.

A huge boulder was formed at least 65 million years ago. Once this area was underwater, and rose to the surface in the Cenozoic era. After the end of the glacial period, the rising sea level formed the English Channel and the rocks along the Sussex coast.

The name of the cape is French, and it was originally called Beau chef or translated “Beautiful Cape”. Later, the word was transformed into English.
From the top there is a wonderful panorama of the coast from eastern Cape Dungeness to western Celsey-Bill. A ridge of elevations is formed just a couple of kilometers to the north-west. Her ups and downs are called the Seven Sisters. These places are very dangerous for ships. Therefore, in the 1830s, a lighthouse was built here. In 1902, it was transferred to the open sea, and since 1983, work began automatically. Limestone is gradually eroded by the waves, resulting in minor collapses. Much less often large. The last of them was in 2001 due to strong spring storms.
мыс Бичи-Хед

вторник, 9 апреля 2019 г.

UK industry

Mostly in the UK there are not only industries such as factories. Most often it is tourism. For example, buying a ticket to some museum, gallery, travel to the zoo or the like. Sale of souvenirs. Therefore, in the UK a good ecology. And tourists prefer to go to museums and watch the rest, than to look at the sad factories that emit a lot of harmful gases for the body. Since the UK is a good and quite popular destination for tourism, there are many tourists here and, accordingly, the demand for this type of industry is great.

вторник, 19 марта 2019 г.

Father s day
In the United States, it was first celebrated on June 19, 1910. The initiator of the creation of this holiday called Mrs. Dodd [en] (1882-1978) from the city of Spokane, Washington state. She wanted to express her gratitude to her father, and in his face - to all the caring fathers of America involved in raising children. The founding father of the holiday was called William Smart, his wife died giving birth to the sixth child, but the single father successfully raised a newborn and five more children. The virtuous William was a veteran of the civil war and lived with the children on the farm.The national holiday of this day in the United States became in 1966, the year when US President Lyndon Johnson declared the third Sunday of June a national holiday [1]. According to tradition, during annual celebrations, the state and ordinary citizens are in a hurry to give support to low-income fathers who alone raise children. Over time, other countries, where respect for family values ​​is declared, followed the United States to celebrate this day, showing honor to the man-father.
Картинки по запросу папа с ребенком
Mother s day
In the USA and Australia there is a tradition to wear a carnation flower on clothes on this day. Moreover, color matters, so the colored carnation says that the mother of a person is alive, and white flowers are pinned to clothes in memory of the departed mothers [5]. In Russia, the All-Russian Social Action for Mother's Day, "Mom, I love you!" In the pre-holiday week, a number of events take place as part of the promotion, in particular the distribution of promo cards, which can be sent by mail or simply donated to the mother. The symbol of social action is forget-me-not - the legendary flower, which, according to legends, has a wonderful power to return the memory to people who have forgotten their loved ones.
Картинки по запросу мама с ребенком

The National Prayer Breakfast is a yearly event held in Washington, D.C., usually on the first Thursday in February. The founder of this event was Abraham Vereide.[1] The event—which is actually a series of meetings, luncheons, and dinners—has taken place since 1953 and has been held at least since the 1980s at the Washington Hilton on Connecticut Avenue NW.
The National Prayer Breakfast, held in the Hilton's International Ballroom, is typically attended by some 3,500 guests, including international invitees from over 100 countries. It is hosted by members of the United States Congress and is organized on their behalf by The Fellowship Foundation, a Christian organization. Initially called the Presidential Prayer Breakfast, the name was changed in 1970 to the National Prayer Breakfast.
It is designed to be a forum for the political, social, and business elite to assemble and build relationships. Since the inception of the National Prayer Breakfast, several U.S. states and cities and other countries have established their own annual prayer breakfast events.

Картинки по запросу завтрак в сша

четверг, 21 февраля 2019 г.

Final topic 5 module

I want to tell you about ancient cities (Pompeii and Machu Picchu), ancient nations (Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Phoenicians and Native Americans), historical and mythological figures (Catherine the Great and Merlin the Magician) and culture in the 1960s. 
1) Pompeii was an ancient city in Italy which was destroyed in 79 AD by Mt Vesuvius eruption. Before it was destroyed it was a busy and rich city with a forum, marketplace, public baths, theaters, restaurants and even a hotel and running water in many buildings.
Machu Picchu is an ancient Inca city in the Andes Mountains in Peru. It dates back to 1436. People who lived there were great builders, astronomers and farmers. The city had houses, storage rooms, tall tower and emperor’s palace. Nobody knows why people left this city. 
2) Ancient Egyptians lived on the banks of the River Nile in Africa and had a great civilization. They built houses and pyramids from stone, were great farmers and artists, had boats and transported food and other goods along the river.
The ancient Phoenicians had great civilization that lasted over 1000 years. They were great shipbuilders, sailors, and traders who sold wood, glass and purple-colored dye to Greeks and Romans. They were the first civilization of the world to use alphabet.
When the Europeans arrived to America many different native tribes already lived there, for example Kwakiutl and Navajo. These people were good hunters, fishermen and farmers. They respected the environment and  their ways of life can still teach a lot to the modern world.
3) Catherine the Greta was born in Prussia. When she was 15 she went to Russia and married the Grand Duke Peter who later became Peter III. Then she became the sole ruler of Russia and made it one of the great powers of Europe. She improved the country’s education system, developed arts and sciences.
Merlin is one of the most fascinating figures in British mythology. He was a wizard, poet, teacher and advisor to kings. Ancient myths describe him as being half human and say he could turn into a bird or cloud. He was the guardian and teacher of the King Arthur and helped him to become a King of Britain by pulling the magic sword Excalibur out of the stone when noboby else could do that.
4) Music was very important to teenagers in the 60s. They listened to The Beatles and The Rolling Stones on the radio and danced a lot. The fashion fads were cheap and colorful. Teenagers made their own clothes. Many people were shocked when long hair became fashionable for boys. Most people had a television at home and could watch different films and shows. In 1969 families all over the UK watched Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. 

пятница, 1 февраля 2019 г.

Native Americans

When the Europeans arrived on the continent many different native tribes already lived there. These people respected the environment and their ways of life can still teach a lot to the modern world. The Kwakiutl were fishermen. Seven families could live in one house. They had canoes for fishing, hunting and trading. They used animal skin and even wood to make their winter clothes. The Navajo were farmers and grew crops. They lived in houses made of earth and wood. The women farmed, looked after the children and did the housework. The men hunted and protected the tribe. At first, The Cheyenne lived like the Navajo. When the Europeans brought horses to America, they left their farms and moved from place to place. The men hunted buffalo. The women built their houses using buffalo skin.